About Us


Powering better medical research using state-of-the-art platform technologies

  • Human 3D bioprinted platforms for translational drug discovery

  • Immunoglobulin Y (IgY)-based diagnostics and for use as prophylactic and therapeutic agents


Reagene Biosciences

  • Commercialisation of technologies and platforms

Reagene Innovations

  • Wholly owned subsidiary of Reagene Biosciences

  • Focused on developing technologies, product concepts and products through POC

Who we are

Reagene Biosciences (Bangalore, incorporated 2016) and Reagene Innovations (Hyderabad, incorporated 2018) are innovative platform technology companies.

Reagene Biosciences is developing ImmunIgY class of products in collaboration with ProdigY Biotech (USA) (www.prodigybiotech.com) and Kyntox Biotech (Bangalore, India) . The first product for COVID has been globally launched through Lay Sciences Inc (USA) (www.laysciences.com).

Reagene Innovations is involved in developing translational technology platforms such as 3D bio-printing as alternatives to animal models to bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical translation. Using this innovative platform Reagene Innovations developed a human vascular lung model which was utilized to identify repurposed drug molecules to mitigate COVID-19 disease (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.19.464951v1).

Giving back to biosciences

We are a team of scientists who have seen the trials and tribulations of discovery research across large pharma and biotech companies globally and are striving to give back to the industry. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience in:

  • Drug discovery and regulatory development

  • Nutraceutical development 

  • Bio-therapeutics for rare and orphan diseases

  • Medical devices

  •  3d bio-printed tools supporting alternatives to animal models

  •  IgY antibody development and characterisation

  •  Diagnostics

  • Reagents

  • Consulting services

A new order

At Reagene, we strongly believe that there now exists sufficient technology know-how to overturn some of the commonly followed practices/ dogma and instead establish a new order for discovery research.